Saturday, May 21, 2011

AA: Accessories-Addiction!

Hello there!
I hope you're fine...
Today I wanna talk about one of the most important thing in fashion:
the accessories! Everything you can wear, but aren't clothes!
It is an extraordinary world of details for every taste and every event! They are shoes, heels, bags, jewels, rings, bracelets, necklaces, earrings, pins, clips, hairpins, circlets, scarves, gloves, hats, and the list can go on...
Accessories are the most important part of a look, what make a style personal and unique! And this is possible for every kind of style!
From the simplst one to the most elegant one.
Sexy, glamour, elegant, bright, fashion, sweet, sober, trasgressive, excessive, sparkling...
It's a drug! How could we live without?

Friday, May 20, 2011

Make Up Passion

Hey guys!
Today I'm gonna show you my greatest passion: the make up!
Since I was a child I've always been fashinated by the so-colled "make up":
eyeshadows, red lipstick, bright nail polish...
Until I turned 13 years old and I took my first eyeliner.
And since than I no longer have stopped buying make up.
As you can imagine, it became soon a passion!
Throughout this time I went on to practice and my personal style is evolving day by day - and night by night!
The first times I had to do with make up I started wondering about the purpose of wearing make up.
Why we do that?
The principal answer I gave to me was simple.
Girls wear make up because they like giving color to their faces.
Because they want to hide all the skin blamishes feeling good with themselves.
Because they need to mask signs of aging.
But now that some time is passed, I found another great answer to the question.
First of all make up is the best way to accentuate the natural facial features.
Darken the shadows of our face outlines.
Add light to the face and enlight a glance.
The make up allows me to give color and joy to my day, but also it allows me to transform myself in hundreds of different girls.
I can express my femininity and my style.
Inspired by anything, when I wear make up I have the opportunity to be creative, to express what I feel and especially my personality.
Thank you for reading.

Monday, May 16, 2011

A new Star is borning!

Hi everybody in the world,
welcome to my own empire of make up and fashion!

From now on,
I will show you what means glamour for me,
through pictures photos and very personal description of tips and experiences!

I hope to entertain you and pheraps teach you something useful!

Also, I accept different kind of comments:

suggestions, criticism and so on.

This blog is a big diary, where I will keep every dingle tip or secret I know!

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