Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Brigitte Bardot

"It's funny to marry a man!"
"Apart from my husband, who could also become one day, I live surrounded by homosexuals. For years they have been my support, my friends, my sons and my confidants."
(Brigitte Bardot)

Brigitte Bardot Anne Marie was a sweet little girl in Paris, born September 28, 1934.
A little girl who dreamed of becoming an actress, and not much later she realized this goal.
But she was able to do much more: she became the Diva Brigitte Bardot, actress, model, singer and sexy icon...
In an autobiography she tells that when she was joung, she was pretty ugly.
She thought only of dance and music and to follow his calling… But everything changed radically!
At fifteen, a on the cover of women's magazine 'Elle' and within a short time she made her debut in the cinema.
Provocative Lolita messy blond hair, her little mouth always grumpy and a stunning half-length, Bardot shot his first film in 1952.
In her career, the great Brigitte had much influence in the fashion world: just think of the cleavage "Bardot", which is named after her!
It is mainly knitted cardigans or sweaters, which have a neckline and wide open, exposing both shoulders.
In addition, thanks to her, also hair "honeycomb" became famous, the so-called choucroute! One of her most famous hair style...
What else?
Bardot has been the subject of a painting by Andy Warhol, she has popularized the bikini, and has also made ​​known to the public the town of Saint Tropez, Buzios, Brazil!
Even after 40 years, the woman who inspired Alain Gourdon, which he carved her likeness on the face of Marianne symbol of the French Republic, closes with the cinema, the glamorous and the bella vita.
She plans to address the protection of animal rights, anti-hunting and the fur and to this end, in 1986, he founded and sold her jewels at auction, the Foundation Brigitte Bardot.
As for love life, Brigitte said she had many stories of just one night, and unhappy marriages.
Perhaps that was why she devoted herself to many initiatives for the protection of animals.
Whatever she does, Brigitte will always be a great Diva, as her star on the Walk of Fame can attest.

Here, make up tutorial video!

That's all! :)

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Something that I like: Rainy Days.

Yes, I really love them...

Drops & drops, everywhere...
The silence of the city, just the incessant roar of the rain.

The number of things that you can see in a puddle is infinite.
And often they are all wonderful.
Then, the best thing is to jump in it with feet together!

I love the moments of melancholy that brings the rain, staring down at the window.
Reading a book, sipping a cup of hot tea, the rain becomes a sweet and sad background that keeps you company.
Perhaps, in keeping from home: leggings, a chignon, a wool blanket.

But beyond that, I love tremendously leave the house without an umbrella, and start walking, running, dancing, playing in the rain.
Singing, with drops that will caress your face.
Crying and laughing to tears, well hidden from the drops of rain.

Its scent.
The rain water is life.


Saturday, December 17, 2011

A Sweetest Awakening!

Hi boys & girls,
what's your favourite song?
Today I want to give you the recipe for a sweet drink, instead of a cake!
This drink is very soft but energetic, so it will allow you to begin your day in the best way!
Well, even better if you also eat something!
Maybe one of my last cake recipe!
But let's go on...
What you need is:
* 1/2 cup of Coffee
* 1 cup of Milk (or more, as you prefer)
* 1 teaspoon of Cocoa
* Sugar (as you prefer)
* a pinch of Cinnamon (or more...)
* Spray Cream
* 1 Cherry
* a coffeepot
* an iced glass
Let's strat with the coffee: prepare the coffeepot putting a the cocoa into the coffee powder - into the filter of the coffeepot.
While the coffee is cooking, put the sugar in the glass, left earlier in the freezer.
Add the cinnamon: I think it's better to add no more than a teaspoon...
Pour the coffee when it's ready, mix it and cover it with the spray cream!
Finally, the touch of fashion: garnish it with the cherry!
And that's all!
A very very simple drink tha will make start better your day!

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Pink Passion!

Good morning world!
Do you like cotton candy?
If you do, I think you'll appreciate the hair style I'm gonna show you today!
It's a very original one, so sweet and romantic, and it's perfect if you wanna look like a doll!
I'm talking about a waterfall of pink locks!
What do you think?
Pink is one of the most feminine colors in the world of fashion...
If it is a light pink, Barbie pink, electric pink, pink reflective ...
Well, any type of rose has its own charms, and pairs well with your character.
Gathered in a braid or check below for a leopard-print hat, a thick pink hair always makes its special effect!
Obviously, the best way to complete the look is to opt for a total pink make-up!
Why not?
A Perfect Pink Princess!

Monday, November 28, 2011

Coco Chanel

"Fashion passes, style remains".
"The true elegance can not ignore the possibility of full free movement".
(Coco Chanel)

Who would ever guessed that the little twelve year old orphan Gabrielle Bonheur Chanel (August 19, 1883), growing, would revolutionized the fashion world?
She, the great Coco Chanel, did much more.
As Marilyn Monroe revolutionized, at her time, the ideal of beauty, so Coco Chanel created a new model of woman, in 1900.
Because at this time the women worked!
The women were dynamic, active, and what they wore had to keep up with them.
What can we say: femininity couldn't be slave to the constrictive fashion of the Belle Epoque, even if it was a very special style and refining.
While not recognizing herself as a feminist, her revolution coincided with the explosion of women's apparel women's movement.
In addition to clothing, Chanel is also devoted to the creation of costume jewelery and perfume.
In fact, she was also the first to create a perfume with the mark of a fashion house.
The first (and best known) is Chanel No. 5.
The fragrance was named # 5 in that corresponded to the quintessential Chanel choice (but it is also said that 5 was his favorite number).
Because "a woman should smell like a woman, not like a rose".
After a glorious life in the name of fashion, Coco died January 10, 1971, in Paris.

Here we have the make up tutorial video:


Monday, November 21, 2011

Autumn Breathe

Good day my dear...
Well, nothing particular to say, except that the Autumn is forwarded and that's the season of hats, scarves, gloves, sweaters, boots ...
If there is cold or rain, these fashion accessories are, like every year at this time, our best allies!
Let yourself be embraced by the warmth of these soft tissues ...
It can be a good opportunity to learn to knit or crochet!
They are works "of the grandmother," I know, but they do have advantages!
First of all, once you've learned, you can have your favorite accessories, fashion as you want!
In addition, it is a great pastime to relax the nerves and eliminate stress!
It never desappear...
Finally, what could be more appropriate to give a vintage touch to your life?

Happy Autumn to all!
Js_ *

(Images of BpRos3 - link: )

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Black Irish Biscuits

Hi to everyone who's reading this post!
Do you like the color of the autumn trees?
I do.
Reciepe day!
An easy reciepe for special biscuits, with a vintage taste!
Hypocaloric and autumnal cookies, just for you!
A fashion recipe, I've just created...

* 2 Eggs
* 100 g. of Brown Sugar
* 40 g. Flour
* 100 g. Cocoa
* Liquid vanilla flavours
* 2 spoon of Kirsh
* 1 teaspoon of Cinnamon

The preparation is very easy!
Sift the flour and the cocoa into a bowl. Add all the other solid ingredients, then the liquid ones.
Mix all toghether!
Put some baking paper into a bake tin and do little balls with the dough...
Bake it for 15 minutes with the oven to 356°F (180°C).

The autumnal taste of your breackfast!

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Kidnapping a Rainbow!

Hi boys & girls! Have you ever sold a dream? The hair style of today is an explosion of color and fun! Rainbows! Maybe it will not be a usual style and accessible to all, but it certainly leaves no room for doubt! With hair like that, your sparkling personality and expansive speak for you ... A very unique style!
How to do it is not easy, of course.
The most practical way, however, is to paint each section with a spray can!
Those attached to the hair dye ...
In this way everyone can get a hairstyle like that, without effort, at home!
Furthermore, with the cans, the color is measured and not risk making disasters! This hair style is a singular case of fashion, maybe it's not appreciate from all the fashion lovers, but it has the particularity to express yourself better, personally and specialties!
Maximum of life?
Match this fantastic hairstyle with a make up more alternative:
in rainbow make-up!
This is simply great!
Blow up the colors in you,
and shine!
JS_ *

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Friday, October 28, 2011

Sophia Loren

"Non ho mai crecato di rimuovere i miei ricordi, neppure quelli più tristi. Non capisco le persone che si nascondono dal loro passato: ogni evento che hai vissuto ti aiuta ad essere la persona che sei oggi".[I never tried to remove my memories, even the saddest ones. I don't understand people who hides from their past: every event you have lived helps you to be the person you are today]

"Ognuno non è mai contento. Vuoi sempre fare di più e trovare la cosa giusta al momento giusto. Amo immensamente la mia famiglia, il mio lavoro... Sono nata per questo... E sono triste quando non lavoro per uno o due anni".
[Each one is never happy. You always want more and you want to find the right thing at the right time. I love immensly my career, my family... I was born for this... And I'm sad when I don't work for one or two years]
(Sophia Loren)

Good morning world!
How much do you love chocolate?
This is the fashion incon day and I wanna bring you to Rome, the fair Italian capital.
In this timeless city, on September 20 1934, was born a promising girl, called Sofia Villani Scicolone.
This joung girl, well known as Sophia Loren, did what she loved better, and she did it in the best way!
Sophia is considered by the world as one of the most famous Italian actress of the Star System!
Her talent and beauty are widely recognized by industrial leaders and for this reason in her career she achieved many accolades and awards for her skills in acting.

What's better, if not a star in the Walk Of Fame?
Yes, a joung italian woman immortalized in the Walk among other famous people.
And what about her style?
Her increased body was sexy and curvy, a real beauty of the south...
Beautiful, clever and fashion!
Her style has taken hold in the world of fashion for its elegance and sensuality, but without being gross.
Sophia has been able to wear simple clothes and to make them great thanks to her poise and class.
What else?
Well, how can we forget...
Sophia has definitely left a great track of her talent in films and one of the most famous scene in her careere is in the film "Ieri, oggi e domani"(1963), where she performed one of the most sexy and sophisticated striptease ever.

Bye bye!
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