Friday, October 28, 2011

Sophia Loren

"Non ho mai crecato di rimuovere i miei ricordi, neppure quelli più tristi. Non capisco le persone che si nascondono dal loro passato: ogni evento che hai vissuto ti aiuta ad essere la persona che sei oggi".[I never tried to remove my memories, even the saddest ones. I don't understand people who hides from their past: every event you have lived helps you to be the person you are today]

"Ognuno non è mai contento. Vuoi sempre fare di più e trovare la cosa giusta al momento giusto. Amo immensamente la mia famiglia, il mio lavoro... Sono nata per questo... E sono triste quando non lavoro per uno o due anni".
[Each one is never happy. You always want more and you want to find the right thing at the right time. I love immensly my career, my family... I was born for this... And I'm sad when I don't work for one or two years]
(Sophia Loren)

Good morning world!
How much do you love chocolate?
This is the fashion incon day and I wanna bring you to Rome, the fair Italian capital.
In this timeless city, on September 20 1934, was born a promising girl, called Sofia Villani Scicolone.
This joung girl, well known as Sophia Loren, did what she loved better, and she did it in the best way!
Sophia is considered by the world as one of the most famous Italian actress of the Star System!
Her talent and beauty are widely recognized by industrial leaders and for this reason in her career she achieved many accolades and awards for her skills in acting.

What's better, if not a star in the Walk Of Fame?
Yes, a joung italian woman immortalized in the Walk among other famous people.
And what about her style?
Her increased body was sexy and curvy, a real beauty of the south...
Beautiful, clever and fashion!
Her style has taken hold in the world of fashion for its elegance and sensuality, but without being gross.
Sophia has been able to wear simple clothes and to make them great thanks to her poise and class.
What else?
Well, how can we forget...
Sophia has definitely left a great track of her talent in films and one of the most famous scene in her careere is in the film "Ieri, oggi e domani"(1963), where she performed one of the most sexy and sophisticated striptease ever.

Bye bye!

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