Thursday, June 21, 2012

Red Philosophy

Between sensuality and vulgarity, there is a very fine line.
So subtle that many women often - and often voluntarily - beyond it ...
Trying to be sexy, their style will be fake, exaggerated (in the negative term), vulgar and demeaning to her femininity.
Thus, from the seduction they fall in bad taste, transforming accessories entirely respectable in traps of streetwalkers.

What we need is the right mix of taste, class and madness, of course!
Imagination and style must be expressed through our personality, and this is a good thing for the best use of our accessories. 
Why should we give up on beautiful accessories just because they are considered negative by common sense?
 Let's dispel some myths!

First of all I want explain you my personal opinion, which I am strongly convinced.
Red nail polish is not just a color of our nails.
It is, in my opinion, an accessory.
Unlike all the other colors, red is a strong and definite color, a bit 'like black.
In many cultures, this color is one of the main ones.
It remind blood, fights, passion, fire.
It's life.
So, do not give up the red nail polish!
Use it, but sparingly.

The red lipstick is one of the greatest symbols of femininity and sensuality.
Wearing red lipstick is an art!
It's not only difficult to obtain an impeccable result, long-lasting.
It's also difficult to find the right shade of red, full, which is also suitable to the complexion.
But above all, it's very hard to wear it "candidly", resulting in a sophisticated effect, without exceeding the vulgar.
No bright red, overly thick lines, enormous quantities.
Just the necessary.

 The red hairsyle is always accompanied by ridicule and beliefs related to the questionable reliability of the girl who wears it.
This is absolutely ignorant and false.
 If you agree with that crap,
you are the same way as those who, some time ago, sent Rosso Malpelo to death!
 And that's it.
There are an infinite number of shades of red dyes, each of which adapts to the wearer.
A red tending to orange if you have a white complexion and green eyes (or blue).
A darker red, purplish, if you want a warm and full color, for a girl "tending to the woman."
The red-colored dye is full of protein!
It will last, longer and stronger!]

 A red pair of heels is absolutely one of the must-have in our fashion world.
Here the concept is simple.
The trick is knowing how to skillfully combine this accessory.
No excesses of lace or leopard, if you wear on your feet one of the seven wonders of the world.
Having clarified this, we can only indulge:
Leather, textile, paint, embroidery, and so on ...
The best, over 4 1/2 inches!

I hope I've been enough clear about my point of view!
No matter what others think about you.


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