"Elegance isthe only beauty thatnever fades". "You can always tell what kind of a person a man really thinks you are by the earrings he gives you".
"For beautiful eyes, look for the good in others; for beautiful lips, speak only words of kindness; and for poise, walk with the knowledge that you are never alone". (Audrey Hepburn)
Edda Kathleen van Heemstra Hepburn-Rusto, is the nameof agirlbornin 1929,with a passionfor acting anddance,better known asAudreyHepburn. Todaywe'regoing totalkof the eternal50s Diva, amodern beautyandsour,a littlemelancholy doe-eyed girl. The wordsto describethe eleganceand stylethat sets it apartis not easyto find, butI'll try. Audreywas thebearing,the freshness, spontaneity, charisma.
Proclaimed in1999 thethirdbiggestactressof all timeby the AmericanFilm Institute andearnedits staron HollywoodaWalk of Fame(at1652Vine Street), thisyoung beautyhas createda styleimitated bytopicalandfashion loversand inspirationfor designers. With her,the ideal of beautywas partlyre-invented. In aworld wheresensuality wasincarnated inbodies,butteryand full ofcurves likeMarilynMonroe,Audreywas imposedon the scene, sportinga new style,characterizedbythinness,sophisticatedand fullof grace. A newfashion iconwasborn. Elegance,class,luxury,all in oneword:simplicity. Ina femininitywhere "less is more,"youmaywellsee in"Breakfastat Tiffany's", Audreywas much more thanan actress.
Today,she liesthe small cemeteryof Morgesin the canton ofVaudin Switzerlandwhere she hada housesince the '60s.
This is a glamour video I found for you to see the fresh and soft make up of Audrey...
That's all darlin'! Hope you enjoy this jump in Audrey style... JS_*
Hy boys & girls! I must confess, I have started to appreciate a different style, in which I feel really good! My new love is the style of Pin Ups! Yes, I'm talking about Varga's girls, 1940' and 50' Divas, and so and so forth. There's something very attractive in those make up and hair! I consider Pin Up girls like serious sexy icons, because their style is an explosive mix of qualities. First of all, they're SO SEXY! They're sexy but gentle, at the same time. There isn't anything vulgar, rude or dirty in their pose! Now a days obscenity seem the main word to be popular and admired... Specially in Tv! It's a shame. However, Pin Up girl's sense of humor is another point in their favour! Varga has been one of the best in capturing this aspect. No one can wink better than a Pin Up girl! Always without exaggeration, of course.
Another thing I really love is their ability to be sensual, to be strong women, loud and proud, but always with a hint of sweetness! A pillar of fashion. And a good example of woman. JS_*
Hi guys! What's your favourite color? Recipe day! The cake of today is inspired by the Yoghurt Pie and cool flavouring lemons! Ingredients for this pie: * 3 Lemons * 3 yoghurt cups of Flour * 2 teaspoon of Honey * 1/2 cup of Tonic Water * 3 eggs * 3 teaspoon of Yeast * Cinnamon * Vanilla
First of all sift the flour in a bowl. Add honey, eggs and mix the dough with a wood spoon . Squeeze the juice of one lemon in a glass and add tonic water. Peel the two other lemons and cut the pulp in small pieces, removing white parts and seeds as possible. Put lemon juice and the pulp in the bowl and mix it with the dough. Add yeast, vanilla and mix again! Then, pour the dough in a baking tin (anointed) and cover it with a dusting of cinnamon. If you want, you can put some little slices of lemon peel on! Bake it for 30 minutes, turning on the oven to 356°F (180°C).
After a couple of minutes, you'll start smelling a good flavour of lemon, I swear!JS_*