Saturday, January 28, 2012


I’m not as skinny as I used to be, thank God. I`d look very strange if I was. I`m slim. I eat healthily because that`s the way I prefer to eat and I`m sure it helps keep the weight off.

What is the name of one of the first supermodels, or better, Top Model, in the '60s?
Lesley Hornby, of course!
Maybe, you know it better as Twiggy.
What is special about a girl daughter of proletarians, who was born in a small town in London?
 Perhaps, the "simple" fact that she became the first model in the history of fashion to become a public figure.
Now I'm gonna tell you all the story ...
In addition to the work of modeling, Twiggy was also an actress and a singer!
 The strength that made her famous was her looks. Her name, Twiggy, literally means "stick" and this was due to her physical minute and slender like a twig.
At the beginning of the career she had long hair but the manager made ​​them cut ... 
A first step towards success.
The real coup, however, she got it thanks to the fashion designer Mary Quant in '66, who put on her the first mini-skirt.
Thanks to Twiggy, this new piece of clothing was cleared and it became an indelible mark in fashion history. 
In fact, Twiggy is considered an icon of Swinging London.  
So, with short hair that distinguished her from other models, the physical androgyny and long eyelashes drawn with so much skill, in just over 24 hours Twiggy became a global phenomenon that conquered the magazines that haunted the world of fashion. 
She must be remembered that the enormous success of her is also due to a series of lucky encounters, first of all, Barry Lategan, South African photographer who worked for Vogue and Elle who became famous in the early 60s for having imposed in the world of fashion lean and lithe girls. 

Here, the tutorial!



  1. Love it =))


    1. I'm glad you like it! ^^
      Thank you for the comment, and the link!

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